MusiQuE Conference and 10th Anniversary Celebration

Quality Enhancement and Quality Culture in (Higher) Music Education – celebrating achievement and shaping the future together

The MusiQuE Board and Office are looking forward to welcoming you to the MusiQuE’s conference Quality Enhancement and Quality Culture in (Higher) Music Education – celebrating achievement and shaping the future together to commemorate MusiQuE’s first decade of activities. The conference will take place on 2 October 2024 at the University Foundation in Brussels.

The event will look back at MusiQuE’s accomplishments, highlight MusiQuE’s findings and impact on the sector. A comprehensive programme, including presentations and panel discussions with representatives from MusiQuE, institutions, music education and quality assurance sector will bring participants to collectively envision and shape the future of quality assurance in higher music education. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in insightful discussions, reflections, and celebratory moments, culminating in a reception to cherish the memories and celebrate the milestone.

Join us for this unique opportunity to connect with the MusiQuE community, share experiences, and explore future perspectives on quality assurance and enhancement in (higher) music education!

Target audience

The event is meant for:

  • representatives of higher music education institutions responsible for or dealing with quality assurance,
  • students,
  • representatives of music schools and organisations from the music professions with a general interest in quality assurance and accreditation in conservatoires
  • representatives of quality assurance agencies


Time Sessions
09:00 – 09:30 MusiQuE turns 10 years old: Opening session

Welcome words by members of the Board

09:30 – 10:00 2014 -2024 in a nutshell

Achievements since MusiQuE’s creation

10:00 – 10:45 MusiQuE’s impact for the sector and plans for the future

PART 1 – the institutional perspective

By representatives of reviewed institutions

10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45 MusiQuE’s impact for the sector and plans for the future

PART 2 – the perspective of the music education sector

By representatives of MusiQuE’s partner organisations AEC, EMU, EAS and Pearle

12:45 – 13:45 Lunch break
13:45 – 14:30 Quality enhancement in higher music education institutions

Information Forum on QA practices in higher music education institutions

By 6 institutions which will present their practice in internal and external QA

14:30 – 15:00 Building Quality Culture from peer to peer – what does the peer-review system take and what it brings

By 2 Peer Reviewers

15:00 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 17:00 Policy developments: towards a shared vision for Quality in the EHEA and EU

  • Overview of current developments in quality assurance and enhancement at EU level

By a representative of the European University Association (tbc)

  • The European Commission’s package on higher education institutions

By a representative of the European Commission (tbc)

Panel discussion with representatives of the European University Association (tbc), the European Student Union (tbc), the European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA), AEC, MusiQuE.

17:00 – 17:15 Closing session
17:15 – 19:00 Reception to celebrate MusiQuE’s 10 years and of the many individuals who have made its creation and continuous development possible.

Registration and fee

Deadline: the registration deadline for the MusiQuE Conference is September 2024.

Fee: A fee of 181,50 EUR (150 EUR fee + 21% VAT) is required for your participation.

For students, the fee is reduced to 90,75 EUR (75 EUR fee + 21% VAT)

Payment must be made via bank transfer before the event.

How to Register: Please fill out the online registration form available here. After registering, you will receive an invoice within a few days. Please ensure all necessary information for the invoice is included in your registration form.

Conference venue

University Foundation

Egmontstraat 11 rue d’Egmont – 1000 Brussels, Belgium

The University Foundation is located just between two metro stations (Troon/Trône and Porte de Namur/Naamsepoort).


For any further inquiries, please contact us at