MusiQuE Peer Reviewers Training

MusiQuE organises an annual professional development training about quality enhancement and accreditation, mainly for the music sector but potentially open to the other performing arts sectors within conservatoires.

Target audience

Current Peer Reviewers as well as students and staff members of (higher) music education institutions – experienced or not – who, through a professional development training,

a) are interested in becoming Peer Reviewers for MusiQuE in the future
b) are motivated to reflect on their experience and practice as Peer Reviewers or
c) have a general interest in quality assurance and accreditation in conservatoires.


  1. Ensuring an adequate level of knowledge, across the Peer Reviewers’ Register, with regard to MusiQuE standards, processes and procedures as well as to the latest policy developments in quality assurance and higher music education.
  2. Creating a community of MusiQuE Peers and cultivating a sense of belonging to nurture an exchange of lessons learnt and experiences gained in previous MusiQuE procedures, and to enhance the effectiveness of teamwork in future reviews.
  3. Recruiting new Peer Reviewers from among the AEC, EAS, EMU and Pearle* constituencies, using the AEC Congress as a forum where these publics may overlap and connect.
  4. Providing professional development opportunities to all those interested in quality assurance and accreditation in conservatoires

The training is delivered by MusiQuE Board members, the MusiQuE Office and by experienced MusiQuE Peer Reviewers.

It is organised annually right before the AEC annual Congress (as a pre-Congress workshop), generally at the beginning of November.

As the acceptance in the Peer Reviewers Register is conditioned by the attendance to at least one MusiQuE Training for Peer Reviewers, the workshop is also open for applicants to the MusiQuE Register whose candidacy is still pending approval.