Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen

In October 2014, the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) established MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement as an independent foundation for quality enhancement and accreditation in higher music education. MusiQuE has taken over the main quality enhancement and accreditation activities previously organized by the AEC.


Even if MusiQuE has its origins in AEC’s effort to promote a quality culture that fits the specific need of music studies, AEC and MusiQuE are today legally, financially and operationally independent entities, but still sharing a common goal: enhancing the quality of Higher Music Education.

Established in 2014, MusiQuE is the first international external quality assurance organisation in the arts and humanities registered on the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). Whilst AEC contributes to quality enhancement through the development of expertise and acting as a kind of think-tank for innovation, it is MusiQuE’s responsibility to conduct reviews using a set of internationally agreed standards, and to support institutions with the relevant expertise and advice on how to develop a strong internal quality culture. Thus, the tasks of MusiQuE and AEC are clearly separate, yet interlinked.

In order to ensure the synergy between the two entities, AEC has the right to propose members for the MusiQuE Board, AEC members are consulted on the revision of the MusiQuE standards and they are encouraged to apply to MusiQuE Peer-Reviewers Register.

Further information about the cooperation, roles and responsibilities of both organisations can be found in the following downloadable documents: