MusiQuE Complaints and Appeals Committee

Role of the Complaints and Appeals Committee
MusiQuE’s Complaints and Appeals Committee is tasked to analyse and decide on appeals submitted by institutions that underwent a MusiQuE procedure and consider they have sufficient ground to contest quality judgements expressed in the review report. In cases of complaints, the Committee holds a consultative role throughout the process and is notified by the MusiQuE Board on the final outcome of a complaint procedure. In exceptional situations, presented in section 1.3 of the MusiQuE Complaints and Appeals Procedurethe MusiQuE Board may fully delegate towards the Committee the decision making role within a complaint procedure.

Composition and qualification
The Complaints and Appeals Committee is composed of three voting members nominated by the MusiQuE Office and appointed by the MusiQuE Board for a fixed term of three years, renewable once. The members of the Complaints and Appeals Committee should be experienced in quality assurance processes, possess specialist knowledge pertaining to higher music and related arts education, and, for the period of their appointment, may not participate in MusiQuE reviews. To be appointed to the Complaints and Appeals Committee one should not have been involved in any of MusiQuE’s decision making or executive bodies for a period of five years. Former Committee members may not act as MusiQuE peer reviewers until one year after their mandate came to term, provided that they fulfil all requirements in this regard.

Regulation of the Committee
The rules and procedures by which the Complaints and Appeals Committee conducts its work are further detailed in the document MusiQuE Complaints and Appeals Procedures available here.