Internal quality processes
Internal quality assurance
A key focus on review procedures
MusiQuE focuses its internal quality assurance on its review procedures: how they are run, how they are perceived by institutions and Peer Reviewers and how they can be improved.
Reviewing the review process
From a variety of feedback mechanisms addressed to reviewed institutions and to Peer Reviewers, MusiQuE annually draws up a report compiling the feedback received, analysing trends and proposing actions for improvement. The MusiQuE Board decides measures to improve the procedures.
Reviewing the standards
As the basis of reviews and other services, the standards need revision at a certain point. This periodical process takes into consideration suggestions raised by the sector, including those provided via feedback mechanisms.
Enhancing the training of reviewers
Each year, MusiQuE organises training sessions for Peer Reviewers. An online questionnaire addressed to all participants immediately after the training session provides feedback to the Board to improve future trainings.
Linking internal and external quality assurance: MusiQuE’s external evaluator
An external evaluator is appointed by the MusiQuE Board to review material documenting MusiQuE’s activity and produce an annual evaluation report with comments addressed to the Board.
MusiQuE’s current external evaluator is Achim Hopbach.
Between 2016 and 2019 the external evaluator was Stefan Delplace, honorary Secretary General of EURASHE – European Association of Institutions in Higher Education.