Board composition

Momchil Georgiev’s second term as a Board member is coming to an end next month. The Board and staff members would like to thank Momchil for his commitment and work for MusiQuE. Pearle* will nominate a new candidate for the MusiQuE Board at its May General Assembly.

All other Board members are eligible for a second term of three years.

Ongoing and upcoming review activities

The Board discussed the status of the ongoing and upcoming reviews that MusiQuE has been commissioned for in 2023-2024. Currently, MusiQuE is coordinating and preparing several quality enhancement and accreditation procedures, as well as Critical Friends visits. More information about the MusiQuE’s review activities can be found here.

Revision of the MusiQuE Standards

The Board considered and approved the final versions of the two sets of standards and announced their launch in May 2023. We would like to thank the Working Group involved in this revision process for its hard work over the last years.

Cooperation with MusiQuE partner institutions

Members of the Board discussed further ways of cooperation with MusiQuE partner organisations (EMUEASPearle and AEC) in the upcoming years. Ideas were shared on how to involve MusiQuE in future events of these organisations.

Communication and future webinars

Communication and working procedures between the Board and the office were addressed. The Office reported on the progress with communication with HMEIs and other external stakeholders and, together with the Board members, planned dissemination and communication activities for the upcoming months.

Besides, the Board commented on a possibility of organising a new series of MusiQuE webinars and explored their potential scope.

Newly admitted members in the Peer Reviewers Register

The Board considered and discussed eight new applications to the Peer Reviewers Register, including one from a student. The Board and Office welcome the new Peer Reviewers and look forward to collaborating with them in the future.

Strategic management

Taking into account the MusiQuE Strategy Paper 2020-2025, the Board discussed a strategy for the next years and sustainability to press forward with further developments and shape MusiQuE’s future development. The Board also started a reflection on the celebration of MusiQuE’s upcoming 10-year anniversary (in 2024).