The MusiQuE Board held its second meeting in Brussels on 12-13 March and dealt with a wide range of issues, including:
Review processes that have recently been completed were monitored:
- Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya – ESMUC, Barcelona, in cooperation with the Catalonian agency AQU Catalunya (the reviewers’ report was approved);
- Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, Institut supérieur de Musique et de Pédagogie de Namur (IMEP), Conservatoire royal de Mons (Arts2) and Conservatoire Royal de Liège in cooperation with the Agence d’Evaluation de la Qualité de l’Enseignement Supérieur AEQES (the reports of the four review processes have just been sent to the institutions);
- Prague Faculty of Music and Dance (the reviewers’ report is currently being written).
Applications to the MusiQuE Peer-Reviewers’ Register were discussed:
Several new peer-reviewers were accepted onto the MusiQuE Register.
The MusiQuE Framework Document was further developed:
The Framework Document MusiQuE: background, procedures and regulations has been finalised and will be published soon. This document contains detailed information on the rationale, structure, procedures and standards used by MusiQuE.
The Application of MusiQuE to the EQAR was prepared:
- To be able to do quality enhancement reviews or accreditation procedures independently in various European countries, MusiQuE has to be recognised by and listed on the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education – EQAR. To gain this recognition MusiQuE will need to undergo an external evaluation by a team of international experts in quality assurance and be assessed against the latest version of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG);
- The site visit of the evaluation team is planned in Brussels on 1st and 2nd July 2015 and the Board is currently preparing MusiQuE’s self-evaluation report and all other relevant documentation;
- Reviewers involved in AEC and MusiQuE review procedures, as well as representatives of institutions and programmes that have been reviewed will be invited to be interviewed by the evaluation team.
The further development of MusiQuE’s activities in Europe was discussed:
- MusiQuE is exploring the situation of higher music education institutions with regard to quality assurance and accreditation at national level to determine in which countries it can be of assistance to the institutions and in which way.
- National quality assurance agencies are being approached to explore opportunities for joint procedures. MusiQuE will be represented at the ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) Forum in Cordoba on 16-17 April and meet with representatives of national agencies from all over Europe.
- Several institutions in various European countries have already requested exploratory meetings with MusiQuE.