MusiQuE has opened a call for nominations for a new Board member (mandate to start in January 2022).
The MusiQuE Board is responsible for all decision-making and further development in relation to the activities of MusiQuE. It is therefore the key entity in MusiQuE’s structure, and its composition, roles and responsibilities play a critical role in the effective and appropriate functioning of MusiQuE. A detailed overview of the MusiQuE Board’s role and responsibilities can be found here.
The MusiQuE Board consists of experts appointed on the basis of proposals by four organisations: the AEC, the European Music Schools Union (EMU), Pearle*-Live Performance Europe (the Performing Arts Employers’ Associations League Europe) and the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS). The Board member shall be mandated by AEC and will be nominated for a period of 3 years, with the possibility of renewing their term once (i.e. for a maximum of 6 years).
AEC member institutions are encouraged to recommend and nominate potential Board members.
Candidates for the MusiQuE Board are asked to send their application to the MusiQuE office by email ( by Wednesday, October 6th, 2021.
Should you have any further questions concerning the application process, please do not hesitate to contact the MusiQuE Staff at