Evaluation of research activities
These evaluations aim to provide an analysis of research objectives and results within the higher music education context. They are based on a dedicated evaluation framework developed by MusiQuE, the MusiQuE Framework for the Evaluation of Research Activities in Higher Music Education Institutions, derived from the MusiQuE Standards for Institutional Review.
These evaluation procedures are structured in four domains of investigation:
- the profile of the research activities or research institute/unit
- their organisation
- the quality of the research activities’ results and
- the impact of these results
A MusiQuE review of research activities aims at providing:
- An analysis of the implementation of the research mission or objectives of the institution within the context of the development of research into-and-through artistic practice
- An analysis of the specific research outcomes generated in response to these objectives or mission and of their relevance within the European and international landscape of research into-and-through artistic practice
- An international benchmarking of the impact and significance of these outcomes in relation to the broader music sector on the basis of the aforementioned analyses and the opinion of experts in the field
- The formulation of a review of any strategic plans for research drawn up by the institution or research institute/unit for the forthcoming years in light of the specific artistic context within which this institution or research institute/unit operates
- A general conclusion written by international experts from the field, on the impact of the research activities, with recommendations for enhancing the quality of these activities
- If applicable, a follow-up analysis of recommendations formulated during previous reviews and an outline of the evolution that the institution or research institute/unit has made subsequently
- The institution is asked to prepare an analytical self-evaluation report, which is sent to the peer-reviewers at the latest a month before the site-visit
- The peer-reviewers (at least four persons, including a student), accompanied by a Secretary, conduct a site-visit of a minimum of 1.5 during which they meet members of the Management Team, of the Academic, Artistic and Administrative Staff, Pupils, Representatives of the Profession, Parents etc., and have the opportunity to visit classes and lessons, attend concerts/recitals and study research outcomes
- The outcome is an advisory report, highlighting good practice and including a set of recommendations for further improvement, written by international specialists in the relevant musical (research) field
- The report is published here.