The MusiQuE Conference and 10th Anniversary Celebration will take place on 2nd October 2024
(9:00 am – 5:00 pm) at the University Foundation in Brussels.

Here is a closer look at the confirmed speakers for some of the key sessions:

MusiQuE’s Impact for the Sector and Plans for the Future (PART 2 – the perspective of the music education sector)

All speakers will explore how MusiQuE’s impact on the sector could be strengthened and enhanced and discuss the directions in which MusiQuE is planning to go in the future to best serve arts education institutions.

Policy developments: towards a shared vision for Quality in the EHEA and EU

This session will address trends in quality assurance in higher education in general, the latest policy developments in the field at EU level, and a discussion with policy-makers on how to facilitate the possibility for institutions to choose subject-specific agencies

Final keynote speech

Finally, Ingeborg Radok Žádná, rector of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, will wrap up the different viewpoints expressed throughout the day by speakers and participants concerning the impact of MusiQuE on the sector and the future developments of MusiQuE and offer reflections on these, as well as her thoughts and perspectives on the developments of quality assurance in the higher arts education and on the directions in which MusiQuE could further develop.

All these esteemed speakers bring a diverse range of expertise and perspectives to MusiQuE’s 10th Anniversary event, promising a day of insightful discussions and reflections on the future of quality in music education.

All information related to the programme, fee payment and practical information can be found on here.

To participate in the event, please, access and fill out the online registration form.

The deadline for registration is 15th September 2024.