The first evaluation report completed by MusiQuE’s external evaluator, Mr. Stefan Delplace, is available for download here.
The first ‘external evaluator’s report’ covering the year 2016 takes into consideration MusiQuE’s most recent developments and seeks to provide the Board with recommendations to enhance MusiQuE’s services and to further strengthen its outreach to stakeholders and the wider community. The report concludes that MusiQuE, through its inclusion in EQAR, has increased its potential as a trustworthy and sustainable quality assurance agency, and consequently enhanced its prestige and visibility at European level.
The MusiQuE Board likes to express its sincere gratitude to Mr. Delplace for writing the report, which offers clear and helpful recommendations for MusiQuE’s further development. The Board is looking forward to discussing with Mr. Delplace at its next meeting in Spring 2018 the various actions it has undertaken as a response to the recommendations formulated in the report.