MusiQuE publishes its 3rd Trend Analysis

Every two years, MusiQuE produces a Trend Analysis based on the reports of completed review and accreditation procedures. Recently, MusiQuE commissioned former Board member Christopher Caine (Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London, UK) to compile a Trend Analysis based on the reports from eight reviews carried out by MusiQuE between 2014 and 2016. This Trend Analysis is available for download here.

Based on the eight review reports under study, the Trend Analysis identifies the most recent trends, good practices and common areas for development among higher music education (HME) institutions across Europe. The Trend Analysis confirms that HME institutions are committed to achieving the highest possible standards, and demonstrates that institutions actively engaged in quality enhancement have the potential to significantly improve educational outcomes and the quality of the study experience of their students.

Successive Trend Analyses will be able to add a longitudinal dimension allowing MusiQuE to assess its impact on HME institutions and the sector at large, and providing information that will enable MusiQuE to plan its priorities as a quality assurance agency in the long term.

The MusiQuE Board wishes to express its gratitude to Christopher Caine for writing the Trend Analysis, and is convinced that not only MusiQuE but also its partner organisations AEC, EMU and  Pearle*- Live Performance Europe and their stakeholders will welcome the Trend Analysis as a helpful source to identify the main trends in the HME sector at European level.