The annual Training Workshop for MusiQuE Peer Reviewers took place on 16th, 29th and 30th October 2020, online. 48 peers, including 6 students, from higher music education institutions across the world participated in this successful edition.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 edition of the training was, for the first time, held entirely online. MusiQuE offered a training experience extended over 3 half-days spread over 2 weeks.
The goal of the first day of training was to give a general introduction to MusiQuE, as well as an overview of the several procedures that MusiQuE offers. The participants were also introduced to the material to be used for the role-play session on day 2.
During the second day of the training, all participants took part in a roleplay session: ‘acting as a peer-reviewer’, which they had the opportunity to prepare over the weeks following the first session. This practical exercise allowed the participants to undertake a meeting during a mock institutional site-visit, taking a role of either members of a review team or staff from the institution.
An online World Café was held during the last day, where the participants had an occasion to work in small groups and to discuss questions posed by the session leaders. The training session ended with a plenary final discussion and conclusions.
Peers who have participated in the training can find more information about how to apply to become a MusiQuE Peer-reviewer on the MusiQuE Website.
Training workshops for peer-reviewers are offered every year. MusiQuE encourages anyone interested in becoming a peer-reviewers to take part in at least one training.